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Bölüm dil ve not ortalaması şartı?

Gönderilme zamanı: Pzt Ağu 26, 2019 10:49 pm
gönderen Pr0ne1
Merhaba, yüksek lisans için ingilizce programları araştırıyorum. Ruhr Üniversitesinde bu (http://studienangebot.ruhr-uni-bochum.d ... -1-subject) programı gördüm ancak dil ve not ortalaması şartı hakkında bir şey göremedim. Herhangi bir sınır olmama ihtimali var mı acaba?

Re: Bölüm dil ve not ortalaması şartı?

Gönderilme zamanı: Sal Ağu 27, 2019 12:04 am
gönderen rodosto
Şurda bilgi vermişler bak: https://compeng.rub.de/admission-a-application

There is no definitive answer to this question as the required grade mainly depends on where you come from. You are thus requested to send us your application documents when you have completed your first degree programme, when you are about to complete it and even when you have barely failed it i.e. when you are a few credits shy of your degree. If you do not have the required grades, but still you are convinced that, because of your additional skills, you are qualified for the Master of Science course, you are welcome to send us your application. In the selection procedure we will favourably consider your additional qualifications.

Compared to the German rating system (according to which 1.0 is the best and 4.0 is the lowest grade), you should have an average of at least 2.5. All foreign grades will be evaluated according to this system. In order to give you an idea what your chances are to be admitted to the programme the following rules of thumb can be applied:

in GPA-ratings (maximum grade 4.0, minimum grade to pass 2.0) you need at least an average of 3.3
in percentage-ratings (100% maximum, minimum grade to pass 40%), you need at least 75%
if your degree includes ratings like “first division”, “first division with distinction” etc., you should have at least earned one of the two best ratings

Re: Bölüm dil ve not ortalaması şartı?

Gönderilme zamanı: Cmt Eki 12, 2019 10:29 am
gönderen Pr0ne1